Dig out your best photo and win a prize

Don’t forget the President’s Photographic Competition at the Challenger Conference 2014. The President’s Prize is given to for the photograph judged by the President and President Elect to best convey a theme related to marine science. This year’s theme will be “Interaction with marine science”. 

Submitted photographs will be displayed in the poster hall at the conference. The owner of the winning entry will be awarded the prize at the conference dinner.

To enter the competition, please submit your photograph, in paper and digital format. Paper versions to be submitted to the conference registration desk by Tuesday lunchtime, 9th September or posted to: Kate Brailsford, Challenger Photographs, SAHFOS, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, The Hoe. Plymouth, PL1 2PB

Your name and a title, relevant to the overall theme of “Interaction with marine science” and a short description of what the photograph portrays, should be written on the back of the photograph using soft pencil.

In addition please email a digital copy of your photo to csms@noc.ac.uk in a commonly accepted image format (JPEG/TIFF/BMP). All images are requested at high resolution but no more than 10Mb due to email limits. Please name your photograph so that credit can be allocated when appropriate (e.g. john_r_smith_1.jpeg). and to avoid filename duplication. 

All entries must be taken by the person submitting the photograph and must not be overly postprocessed (e.g. colours should be natural and objects should not be added or removed). Black and white images are acceptable. The maximum size of the photograph should be A4. All entries will be judged anonymously. Entry to the competition constitutes agreement for the Challenger Society to use the photos (with attribution) in publicity material (but they will not otherwise be distributed).

Hilary Kennedy, President

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